Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__omp_lockInternal declaration of a simple lock
 C_ht_entryEntry of a hashtable
 CargsGeneric distributed service arguments passed to a dispatcher
 Carm_core_dataData sent to a newly booted kernel
 Carm_smc_hvc_retvalStruct to hold the result values for the SMC instruction on arm
 Carmv8_core_dataData sent to a newly booted kernel
 Cbomp_masterStores the state of the BOMP master thread
 Cbomp_threadThis struct stores thread local data such as the team / task of this thread
 CcaprefUser-level representation of a capability and its CSpace address
 Ccnode_metaMeta data for single_slot_allocator
 CcnoderefUser-level representation of a CNode, this is essentially a capref to a CNode
 Ccpuid_adressspaceinfo< address space size information
 Ccpuid_functions< function table for vendor specific handlers maximum input value for basic CPUID information
 Ccpuid_proc_familyProcessor frequency information
 Ccpuid_regs< struct representing the registers used for the cpuid instruction macro declaration for initializing the cpuid_regs struct
 Ccpuid_threadinfo< topology information this thread belongs to topology hierarchy information structure
 Ccpuid_tlbinfo< tlb information structure
 CcteA CTE (Capability Table Entry)
 CdcbThe dispatcher control block
 CdictionaryDictionary_t is the abstract type of datastructures that are able to store key/value pairs
 Cdispatcher_aarch64Dispatcher structure (including data accessed only by user code)
 Cdispatcher_armDispatcher structure (including data accessed only by user code)
 Cdispatcher_shared_aarch64< Architecture specific kernel/user shared dispatcher struct
 Cdispatcher_shared_arm< Architecture specific kernel/user shared dispatcher struct
 Cdispatcher_shared_x86_32< Architecture specific kernel/user shared dispatcher struct
 Cdispatcher_shared_x86_64< Architecture specific kernel/user shared dispatcher struct
 Cdispatcher_x86_32Dispatcher structure (including data accessed only by user code)
 Cdispatcher_x86_64Dispatcher structure (including data accessed only by user code)
 CElf32_EhdrELF32 file header
 CElf32_NhdrELF32 note entry
 CElf32_PhdrELF32 program header
 CElf32_RelELF32 relocation entry
 CElf32_RelaELF32 relocation entry with addend
 CElf32_ShdrELF32 section header
 CElf32_SymELF32 symbol table entry
 CElf64_DynELF64 Dynamic section entry
 CElf64_EhdrELF64 file header
 CElf64_PhdrELF64 program header
 CElf64_RelaELF64 relocation entry
 CElf64_ShdrELF64 section header
 CElf64_SymELF64 symbol table entry
 Cflounder_cap_stateState for indirect (via monitor) cap tx/rx machinery
 Cflounder_generic_bind_attemptState associated with an ongoing generic bind attempt
 Cframe_identityValues returned from frame identify invocation
 CglobalStruct passed to app_cores during boot. Contains information that the bsp_kernel wants to pass to the app_kernels
 CguestStructure to hold information regarding AMD SVM
 Cguest_controlA VMKit guest control and state structure
 Cidc_recv_headerIDC receiver-side header
 Cidc_recv_msgIDC receive message, with position indicator for demarshalling
 Cidc_recv_msg_bodyMessage layout on receiver side
 Cidc_send_headerIDC sender-side header
 Cidc_send_msgIDC send message, with position indicator for marshalling
 Cidc_send_msg_bodyMessage layout on sender side
 Cipi_notifyA bidirectional IPI channel
 CkcbThe kernel control block
 Clmp_chanA bidirectional LMP channel
 Clmp_endpointLMP endpoint structure (including data accessed only by user code)
 Clmp_endpoint_kernIncoming LMP endpoint message buffer
 Clmp_recv_bufMessage layout in user's buffer
 Clmp_recv_headerLMP receiver-side header
 Clmp_recv_msgFixed-length version of lmp_recv_buf
 CmdbnodeA mapping database node
 Cmem_capStructure to record all information about a given memory region
 CmemobjPublic interface for memobj
 CmmMemory manager instance data
 CmmnodeNode in Memory manager Btree. Private
 Cmonitor_cap_handlersHandlers for incoming/outgoing capabilities on the monitor binding
 CmsgbufA generic message buffer into which things can be marshalled
 Cmultiboot_infoMultiboot information structure passed from bootloader to OS
 Cnuma_coreCore stores the topology information
 Cnuma_nodeNuma node
 Cnuma_topologyNuma topology information of the system
 Comp_icvOpenMP environment for each thread
 Cop_def_tDefines a type for operator definition entries
 Cpci_addrRepresentation of a PCI address (with more bits than libpci)
 Cplatform_infoStruct that can be used to request/parse platform information
 Crpc_clientRPC client instance data
 Crtc_timeTime structure. This structure is used to get the current RTC time
 Csegment_descriptorSegment descriptor
 Cslot_alloc_basecnInstance data for simple base-cnode allocator
 Cslot_preallocInstance data for pre-allocating slot allocator for 2 level cspace
 CspawninfoStruct to refer to the various caps within a domain being spawned
 CsysretReturn type from a system call: two words
 CthreadA thread of execution / thread control block (TCB)
 Ctls_dtvTLS dynamic thread vector data structure
 Ctrace_bufferTrace buffer
 Ctrace_eventTrace event
 Cump_chanA bidirectional UMP channel
 Cump_chan_stateState of a (one-way) UMP channel
 Cump_endpointIncoming UMP endpoint
 Cusb_endpointThis file contains device related definitions for the USB client driver
 Cusb_hid_itemThis struct represents an item in a USB report
 Cusb_hid_locationStruct definition for storing information about the HID item in an report
 Cusb_hid_pos_dataStruct definition for report id - position association
 Cusb_iface_parse_stateThis file contains definitions for parsing the USB descriptors
 Cusb_statusGeneric usb status
 Cusb_xfer_flagsThis file contains definitions for handling US xfers
 Cvfs_fileinfoData returned from #vfs_stat
 Cvirtio_block_geometryVirtIO block device geometry information
 Cvirtio_block_topologyVirtIO block device topology information
 CvnodeNode in the meta-data, corresponds to an actual VNode object
 Cvnode_identityValues returned from the VNode identify invocation
 Cvspace_mmu_awareStruct to support mmu_aware memory management
 CwaitsetWait set
 Cwaitset_chanstatePer-channel state belonging to waitset
 Cx86_core_dataData sent to a newly booted kernel
 Cxomp_argsArguments passed to the xomp initialization function
 Cxomp_spawnArguments and path of the worker domains