Data Fields
bulk_channel Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for bulk_channel:

Data Fields

struct bulk_channel_callbackscallbacks
struct bulk_endpoint_descriptorep
enum bulk_channel_state state
struct bulk_pool_listpools
enum bulk_channel_direction direction
enum bulk_channel_role role
enum bulk_trust_level trust
struct bulk_channel_constraints constraints
size_t meta_size
struct waitsetwaitset
void * user_state
void * impl_data

Detailed Description

Handle/Representation for one end of a bulk transfer channel

Field Documentation

struct bulk_channel_callbacks* bulk_channel::callbacks

callbacks for the channel events

struct bulk_channel_constraints bulk_channel::constraints

constraints of this channel

enum bulk_channel_direction bulk_channel::direction

the direction of data flow

struct bulk_endpoint_descriptor* bulk_channel::ep

the local endpoint for this channel

void* bulk_channel::impl_data

implementation specific data

size_t bulk_channel::meta_size

the size of the transmitted meta information per bulk transfer

struct bulk_pool_list* bulk_channel::pools

pool allocators orderd list of assigned pools to this channel

enum bulk_channel_role bulk_channel::role

role of this side of the channel

enum bulk_channel_state bulk_channel::state

the current channel state

enum bulk_trust_level bulk_channel::trust

the trust level of this channel

void* bulk_channel::user_state

pointer to user specific state for this channel

struct waitset* bulk_channel::waitset

the waitset for this channel

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: