ip_addr.c File Reference


u8_t ip4_addr_isbroadcast (u32_t addr, const struct netif *netif)
u8_t ip4_addr_netmask_valid (u32_t netmask)
u32_t ipaddr_addr (const char *cp)
int ipaddr_aton (const char *cp, ip_addr_t *addr)
char * ipaddr_ntoa (const ip_addr_t *addr)
char * ipaddr_ntoa_r (const ip_addr_t *addr, char *buf, int buflen)

Detailed Description

This is the IPv4 address tools implementation.

Function Documentation

u8_t ip4_addr_isbroadcast ( u32_t  addr,
const struct netif netif 

Determine if an address is a broadcast address on a network interface

addraddress to be checked
netifthe network interface against which the address is checked
returns non-zero if the address is a broadcast address
u8_t ip4_addr_netmask_valid ( u32_t  netmask)

Checks if a netmask is valid (starting with ones, then only zeros)

netmaskthe IPv4 netmask to check (in network byte order!)
1 if the netmask is valid, 0 if it is not
u32_t ipaddr_addr ( const char *  cp)

Ascii internet address interpretation routine. The value returned is in network order.

cpIP address in ascii represenation (e.g. "")
ip address in network order
int ipaddr_aton ( const char *  cp,
ip_addr_t *  addr 

Check whether "cp" is a valid ascii representation of an Internet address and convert to a binary address. Returns 1 if the address is valid, 0 if not. This replaces inet_addr, the return value from which cannot distinguish between failure and a local broadcast address.

cpIP address in ascii represenation (e.g. "")
addrpointer to which to save the ip address in network order
1 if cp could be converted to addr, 0 on failure
char* ipaddr_ntoa ( const ip_addr_t *  addr)

Convert numeric IP address into decimal dotted ASCII representation. returns ptr to static buffer; not reentrant!

addrip address in network order to convert
pointer to a global static (!) buffer that holds the ASCII represenation of addr
char* ipaddr_ntoa_r ( const ip_addr_t *  addr,
char *  buf,
int  buflen 

Same as ipaddr_ntoa, but reentrant since a user-supplied buffer is used.

addrip address in network order to convert
buftarget buffer where the string is stored
buflenlength of buf
either pointer to buf which now holds the ASCII representation of addr or NULL if buf was too small