default_filters.c File Reference

Set of default filters for terminal client library. More...


void term_filter_cr2lf (char **data, size_t *length)
 Translate carriage return () to line feed (
). More...
void term_filter_ctrlhat (char **data, size_t *length)
 Translate ASCII control characters (ASCII characters in the range 0x00 - 0x1f), other than ASCII TAB, ASCII NL, ASCII CR and ASCII BS to ^X, where X is the character formed by adding 0x40 to the control character. More...
void term_filter_lf2crlf (char **data, size_t *length)
 Translate line feed (
) to carriage return plus line feed (
). More...

Detailed Description

Set of default filters for terminal client library.

Function Documentation

void term_filter_cr2lf ( char **  data,
size_t *  length 

Translate carriage return () to line feed (

datain: characters before translation out: characters after tnaslation
lengthin: length before translation out: length after translation
void term_filter_ctrlhat ( char **  data,
size_t *  length 

Translate ASCII control characters (ASCII characters in the range 0x00 - 0x1f), other than ASCII TAB, ASCII NL, ASCII CR and ASCII BS to ^X, where X is the character formed by adding 0x40 to the control character.

datain: characters before translation out: characters after tnaslation
lengthin: length before translation out: length after translation
void term_filter_lf2crlf ( char **  data,
size_t *  length 

Translate line feed (
) to carriage return plus line feed (

datain: characters before translation out: characters after tnaslation
lengthin: length before translation out: length after translation