barrelfish_kpi Directory Reference


file  capabilities.h
 Essential capability definitions.
file  cpu.h
 Architecture specific CPU bits.
file  dispatcher_handle.h
 Define a generic handle for the numerous dispatchers types.
file  dispatcher_shared.h
 Generic dispatcher struct shared between kernel and user.
file  domain_params.h
 Initial parameters passed to a domain.
file  init.h
 init user-space domain special structures.
file  legacy_idc_buffer.h
 Legacy IDC buffer format. PLEASE DO NOT USE FOR ANY NEW CODE!
file  lmp.h
 LMP declarations.
file  platform.h
 Platform information declarations :qa.
file  sys_debug.h
 Essential capability definitions.
file  syscalls.h
 System call numbers.
file  types.h
 Definitions of standard Barrelfish types.
file  vmkit.h
 Interface to shared data structures between the kernel and a VM monitor.
file  vmx_controls.h
 Contains definitions of VMX controls along with the controls that are desired to be used for each VMCS.