debug.h File Reference

Debug makro definitions. More...


#define DEBUG_LEVEL   2
 Debug level. More...
#define PDEBUG_FNAME(x)   char* __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME = x; int __DEBUG__OMIT = 0; if (__DEBUG__OMIT) {};
 Set the current function name for well-arranged debug messages.
#define PDEBUG_OMIT   __DEBUG__OMIT = 1;
 When calling this makro, all debug messages for the caller function will be omitted.
#define PDEBUG_HEADER(x)
 This prints a debug header e.g: libbfdmux.c:regster_app: *** Hello world debug message ***.
#define PDEBUG_FOOTER(x)
 This prints a debug footer line e.g: libbfdmux.c:regiser_app ### Foo bar footer ###.
#define PDEBUG_ERROR(x)
 This makro is used to print error messages.
#define PDEBUG_INFO(x)
 This makro is used to print additional information.
#define PDEBUG_RAW(arr, cnt)
 This makro is used to dump a memory segment to the screen as hex and. More...

Detailed Description

Debug makro definitions.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DEBUG_LEVEL   2

Debug level.

  • 0: No messages will be printed on stdout.
  • 1: Only error messages will be printed.
  • 2: Error and information messages will be printed.
  • 3: Information, errors and packet data as ascii will be printed.
  • 4: Information, errors and packet data as ascii and hex will be printed.
#define PDEBUG_RAW (   arr,
if ((DEBUG_LEVEL >= 4) && (!__DEBUG__OMIT)) { \
int __debug_i; __debug_i = 0; \
char __debug_c; __debug_c = ' '; \
printf(" %s: ", __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME); \
printf("Address: %p, size: %u Bytes\n", arr, (unsigned) (cnt)); \
printf(" %s: ", __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME); \
for(__debug_i = 0; __debug_i < (cnt); __debug_i++) { \
printf("%02x ",*( (uint8_t*) (arr) + __debug_i )); \
if (!((__debug_i+1)%20)) printf("\n %s: ", __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME); \
}; \
}; \
if ((DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3) && (!__DEBUG__OMIT)) { \
int __debug_j; __debug_j = 0; \
char __debug_d; __debug_d = ' '; \
printf("\n %s: ", __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME); \
for(__debug_j = 0; __debug_j < (cnt); __debug_j++) { \
__debug_d = *((uint8_t*) (arr) + __debug_j ); \
if (__debug_d < 0x20 || __debug_d > 0x7e) __debug_d = '*'; \
printf("%c",__debug_d); \
if (!((__debug_j+1)%60)) printf("\n %s: ", __DEBUG__CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME); \
}; \
printf("\n"); \
fflush(stdin); \
} \
Debug level.
Definition: debug.h:28
Always call fflush and sync on file descriptor and communication channels.
Definition: bfdmux.h:38

This makro is used to dump a memory segment to the screen as hex and.

(if the debug level allows it) as characters.