Functions | Variables
exec.c File Reference

ARM execution and miscellany. More...


void execute (lvaddr_t entry)
 Go to user-space at entry point 'entry'. More...
void resume (arch_registers_state_t *state)
 Resume the given user-space snapshot. More...
void wait_for_interrupt (void)
 Halt processor until an interrupt arrives. More...


uint32_t ctr =0
 Resume the given user-space snapshot. More...

Detailed Description

ARM execution and miscellany.

Function Documentation

void execute ( lvaddr_t  entry)

Go to user-space at entry point 'entry'.

This function goes to user-space and starts executing the program at its entry point at virtual address 'entry'.

entryEntry point address of program to execute.
void resume ( arch_registers_state_t state)

Resume the given user-space snapshot.

This function resumes user-space execution by restoring the CPU registers with the ones given in the array, pointed to by 'regs'.

void wait_for_interrupt ( void  )

Halt processor until an interrupt arrives.

For use in the idle loop when nothing is runnable. This function puts the processor into system mode and enable interrupts on entry and makes no use of the stack.

Variable Documentation

uint32_t ctr =0

Resume the given user-space snapshot.

This function resumes user-space execution by restoring the CPU registers with the ones given in the array, pointed to by 'state'.