tcpip.c File Reference


err_t tcpip_input (struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp)
err_t tcpip_callback_with_block (void(*f)(void *ctx), void *ctx, u8_t block)
err_t tcpip_timeout (u32_t msecs, sys_timeout_handler h, void *arg)
err_t tcpip_untimeout (sys_timeout_handler h, void *arg)
void tcpip_init (void(*initfunc)(void *), void *arg)
err_t pbuf_free_callback (struct pbuf *p)
err_t mem_free_callback (void *m)

Detailed Description

Sequential API Main thread module

Function Documentation

err_t mem_free_callback ( void *  m)

A simple wrapper function that allows you to free heap memory from interrupt context.

mthe heap memory to free
ERR_OK if callback could be enqueued, an err_t if not
err_t pbuf_free_callback ( struct pbuf *  p)

A simple wrapper function that allows you to free a pbuf from interrupt context.

pThe pbuf (chain) to be dereferenced.
ERR_OK if callback could be enqueued, an err_t if not
err_t tcpip_callback_with_block ( void(*)(void *ctx)  f,
void *  ctx,
u8_t  block 

Call a specific function in the thread context of tcpip_thread for easy access synchronization. A function called in that way may access lwIP core code without fearing concurrent access.

fthe function to call
ctxparameter passed to f
block1 to block until the request is posted, 0 to non-blocking mode
ERR_OK if the function was called, another err_t if not
void tcpip_init ( void(*)(void *)  initfunc,
void *  arg 

Initialize this module:

  • initialize all sub modules
  • start the tcpip_thread
initfunca function to call when tcpip_thread is running and finished initializing
argargument to pass to initfunc
err_t tcpip_input ( struct pbuf *  p,
struct netif inp 

Pass a received packet to tcpip_thread for input processing

pthe received packet, p->payload pointing to the Ethernet header or to an IP header (if netif doesn't got NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP flag)
inpthe network interface on which the packet was received
err_t tcpip_timeout ( u32_t  msecs,
sys_timeout_handler  h,
void *  arg 

call sys_timeout in tcpip_thread

msectime in miliseconds for timeout
hfunction to be called on timeout
argargument to pass to timeout function h
ERR_MEM on memory error, ERR_OK otherwise
err_t tcpip_untimeout ( sys_timeout_handler  h,
void *  arg 

call sys_untimeout in tcpip_thread

msectime in miliseconds for timeout
hfunction to be called on timeout
argargument to pass to timeout function h
ERR_MEM on memory error, ERR_OK otherwise