twolevel_slot_alloc.c File Reference

Slot allocator for two level CSpace. More...


errval_t two_level_alloc (struct slot_allocator *ca, struct capref *ret)
 slot allocator More...
errval_t two_level_free (struct slot_allocator *ca, struct capref cap)
 Free an allocated slot. More...
errval_t two_level_slot_alloc_init_raw (struct multi_slot_allocator *ret, struct capref initial_cap, struct cnoderef initial_cnode, struct capref reserve_cap, struct cnoderef reserve_cnode, void *head_buf, void *reserve_buf, size_t bufsize)
 Initializer that does not allocate any space. More...
errval_t two_level_slot_alloc_init (struct multi_slot_allocator *ret)
 Initializer that uses memory.

Detailed Description

Slot allocator for two level CSpace.

Function Documentation

errval_t two_level_alloc ( struct slot_allocator *  ca,
struct capref ret 

slot allocator

caInstance of the allocator
retPointer to return the allocated slot
errval_t two_level_free ( struct slot_allocator *  ca,
struct capref  cap 

Free an allocated slot.

caInstance of the allocator
capThe slot to free

Walks the list of single slot allocators trying to free the slot.

errval_t two_level_slot_alloc_init_raw ( struct multi_slot_allocator *  ret,
struct capref  initial_cap,
struct cnoderef  initial_cnode,
struct capref  reserve_cap,
struct cnoderef  reserve_cnode,
void *  head_buf,
void *  reserve_buf,
size_t  bufsize 

Initializer that does not allocate any space.

#slot_alloc_init duplicates some of the code below, modify it if making changes here.

XXX: top_buf head_buf and reserve_buf each point to a separate buffer of size bufsize bytes which can be used for backing storage. bufsize evidently needs to be >= sizeof(struct cnode_meta) * nslots / 2. Don't ask me why! -AB